I found two new ChatGPT features particularly useful and want to share them with you to explore their potential.
These features specifically show how Google PE (Product Expert) activity could radically change in the near future - I use the term "change" because I'm obviously optimistic.
The first feature, which is truly innovative, is "GPT-4 with scheduled activities." I tested it in a very specific use case that could make us reflect.
ChatGPT with Scheduled Activities
Let's get straight to the point so we can discover how it works and understand what I mean. The idea that came to me, which I immediately submitted as a request to ChatGPT using the scheduled activities model, was:- "Every day, read from this site https://support.google.com/s/community/search a question that has no answers, look for this question among those in the Italian Gmail forum, and please prepare the answer for me. When responding, act as if you were a Google Product Expert."
- After this prompt, ChatGPT created an automated task that will be executed from that moment forward.
- Now, every day I receive an email like this.
- By clicking on the "View message" link, I can see the conversation chosen by ChatGPT, and I see the response already prepared, written better than I could write personally, correct and potentially solving the user's problem. All I have to do is click on the link that takes me to the conversation and copy-paste the response. Screenshots of the AI's work follow.
The style used in the responses is excellent and structured with: a small contextualized preface, detailed explanation of the solution, and concluding greetings. What can I say - an excellent automated Product Expert.