An incredibly amazing feature that I'm very happy to write this article about. For the first time since the whole world was shaken by AI (artificial intelligence) results, I can finally confirm that Google, with this product, has beaten everyone!!! Yes, NotebookLM is currently a one-of-a-kind product.
Let's start by saying that NotebookLM allows you to upload up to 300 document sources of practically any type: PDF documents; entire website content (simply by passing the URL); Google documents; presentations and especially videos. At this point, once you've prepared the database of sources you want to work with, you can create an engaging audio podcast duet with just one click. The two voices are one male and one female, and the result is an incredibly fluid and empathetic audio. E X T R A O R D I N A R Y!!! But it doesn't end there, because with this podcast you can even dialogue in real-time: by clicking on JOIN you join the conversation and the two voices respond and dialogue with incredible fluidity.
I'll pause for a second to tell you right away that this product is not paid, but FREE. Yes indeed, despite the infinity of uploadable documents and unique features, it doesn't cost a penny... um, a euro 🙂
But let's continue, because thanks to NotebookLM you can create summaries at an impressive speed. A very useful use case could be, for example, uploading a video interview you're interested in, maybe in English or any other language, and working on it. I guarantee that no matter how long the video is, in two seconds you'll find yourself with a sea of possibilities. Starting from the summary in Italian and free questions related to the topics covered in the video itself. For me, who has a passion for following current technological innovations, this is an extraordinary opportunity. It's an exceptional tool for studying and staying updated.
To get started, connect to, enter your Google credentials, and you're done.
I want to share a little tip with you right away. You'll notice that the audio podcast creation feature shows "only english", but this isn't entirely true. In fact, there's a 'CUSTOMIZE' button: if in the settings you write literally 'the two voices must speak only in Italian, don't use English', the AI will automatically create the audio in Italian! Super! I suspect this is one of those cases where AI shows its true nature as a thinking brain. Let me explain better: I believe the constraint of generating audio in English was set as a limitation, or at least recognized as a limit. Rightfully so, an AI being in some ways a learning tool, can sometimes surprise by going beyond expectations. Maybe my assumption is wrong and it was all planned, who knows. Anyway, I find this functionality really impressive, just as impressive as the ease with which you'll find yourself using this tool right from the start.
I conclude by reporting the latest features I tried:
- The automatic creation of a timeline, the AI very quickly collects the main data from all the sources you've introduced and gathers them in a single document. I find this very nice and useful too.
- Finally, the ability to generate a sort of FAQ, that is, frequently asked questions and answers, a nice and alternative way to treat and see things. The applications you can invent are endless, the dialogue with NotebookLM happens through a prompt and therefore you can make the most varied requests. I hope that this fabulous NotebookLM will please you too and that you can make profitable use of it. My compliments again to Google who has returned to surprising me.
best regards to all